About Us

Welcome to my happy place, where everything is sunshine and rainbows! That's what I see, anyway. When I look at the kaleidoscope of vintage patterns, all that eye-candy — it feels like being a kid in a candy store!

Pix and Patch blends my love of art and fashion seamlessly. From a young age I was drawn to coloring, painting, embellishments, and sparkles of all kinds. My mom always says I was the happiest wearing a costume ... not much has changed! Eventually finding my way to a degree in Graphic Design, I learned new and different ways to navigate color and composition.

I acquired a deeper understanding for design and product development through some amazing opportunities early in my career. I worked in fashion, jewelry and accessories (managing to fill my own closet with plenty of yummy colors and styles along the way). And, at one point, even owned a vintage clothing shop — what fun that was! That is when I really fell in love with the intricate details and patterns that adorned the bright-colored clothing I had always admired.

Now, the thoughtful process of weaving together psychedelic florals, atomic age prints and industrial geometric patterns to create the 'fabric' of each unique state, feeds my creative soul.

I hope my joy is contagious and that you find yourself smiling as you gaze upon your favorite state. There are so many beautiful things to be happy about... please enjoy your walk through my wonderful world!

Peace and Love,
